Landscape Maintenance

We offer several services in Lawn & Landscape Maintenance including:
Lake Services offers perennial maintenance.
By using the proper fertilizer on each individual plant, a greener and healthier plant will emerge.

Trimming and pruning should be performed regularly to keep shrubs from looking out of control.

Landscape Maintenance


Shrubs are special plants that have their own requirements for care, which include regular pruning to ensure the continued health and vigor of the plant. There are several techniques for pruning shrubs such as: renewal, rejuvenation, shearing and developmental/shaping.
We will determine what pruning method is best for a particular plant based on why we are pruning it, paying attention to plant health, development and aesthetics.

Trimming and Pruning Services Balsam Lake Wisconsin

We can also trim and growth train younger trees as well as trim low branches on older trees.


Mulch Pro

  • Rejuvenate faded and compressed mulch, brings back the “new look” with mulch pro power rake
  • Aerating mulch helps prevent fungus and mold from growing
  • Breaking up compressed mulch promotes composting and allows water to seep through to roots
  • Easily tills dead spots in lawns and turf creating an exceptional seedbed, ready for planting
  • As mulch accumulates following year-after-year installation, homeowners may be able to skip-a-year of installing new mulch and save money

Serving the Amery, Balsam Lake, Dresser, Osceola, St Croix Falls, Turtle Lake, Star Prairie, Frederic, Luck, Wanderoos, and Somerset areas.

Landscaping Services Polk County Wisconsin